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Wet Rated
Energy Star
Title 24
Wet Rated
Additional Info:
1 Integrated Module 10 watt light bulb
Featured in the decorative Traverse Aubrey collection
Featured in the decorative Traverse Aubrey series
Fixture is supplied with 1 light bulb
From the brand formerly known as Sea Gull Lighting
frosted acrylic lens
Bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen
Special Features:
3000K Soft White Color Temperature Provides A Friendly And Inviting Atmosphere That Works Well Throughout The House Especially In Living Rooms, Bathrooms, Hallways, And Bedrooms.
Designed For Continuous Dimming Down To 10%
Designed To Direct Ceiling Light Towards Wall Displays
New Construction (3"/4" Round, 4" Square/Octagonal junction box
Protected By A Five-Year Warranty; Visit Www.Seagulllighting.Com For Warranty Detail.
Catalog Name:
Traverse Aubrey Wall Wash - Round, WH
Bulb selection for recessed lighting depends on both the trim and housing selection; refer to the manufacturer's website for correct lamping instructions
PCS Name:
Traverse Aubrey Wall Wash - Round, WH
Quantity Fabric Glass Shades: