Bronze /vendors/vendorImages bronze.jpg
ADA Compliant
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Damp Rated
ADA Compliant
Damp Rated
Energy Star
Title 24
Additional Info:
1 A19 Medium 9 watt light bulb
Featured in the decorative ADA Wall Sconces collection
Featured in the decorative Nearu series
Fixture is supplied with 1 light bulb
From the brand formerly known as Sea Gull Lighting
opal cased etched glass shade
Bathroom, Bedroom, Entry Room/Hallway
Special Features:
1 A19 Medium 9.3 Watt Light Bulb
Featured in the decorative ADA Wall Sconces collection
Featured in the decorative Nearu collection
Fixture Is Supplied With 1 Light Bulb
opal cased etched glass shade
W:4 1/4'' H:8 5/16'' OB UP:5 3/4'' OB DOWN:5'' Octagonal
Backplate Dimensions:
W:4 1/4'' H:8 5/16'' OB UP:5 3/4'' OB DOWN:5'' Octagonal
1 A19 Medium 9 watt light bulb
Quantity Fabric Glass Shades:
Quantity Fabric/Glass Shades: